Our story began out of necessity. As educators ourselves, we needed a tool to help students get hands-on learning.

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Our team at nLab is a dynamic fusion of expertise, passion, and a shared commitment to revolutionizing electronics education.

At nLab, we're on a mission to change the way people learn about electronics. Founded by a team of passionate engineers and educators, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to explore, experiment, and innovate with electronics, regardless of their background or experience level. Our pocket-sized lab device and innovative learning platform are designed to make electronics education accessible, engaging, and hands-on for learners of all ages.

What sets nLab apart is our commitment to empowering individuals to go beyond their limits and unleash their creativity. Whether you're a student, hobbyist, or seasoned professional, our platform provides the tools, resources, and community support you need to build the cool stuff of tomorrow. From beginner-friendly tutorials to advanced projects, we're here to inspire and challenge you every step of the way.

Meet the team

Founder, Electronics Lead

As a professor of mechatronics, Nick noticed his students were taking turns crowded around one machine instead of building circuits – and confidence – independently. He created an early version of nLab to make the teaching and learning process easier for himself and his students. The word spread about this little powerhouse, and the rest is history! 

Nick Marchuk

Chief Executive Officer

As an engineer, Angie witnessed firsthand the frustrations of learning electronics with the clunky, outdated machines of the electronics lab. When she first encountered nLab, her world changed, and she went on to a successful career in the robotics industry, with the nLab as her constant companion. After many people asked her how to get one, and realizing this could help a lot of people, she traded her desk job for an entrepreneurial role in order to bring this invention to more people around the world. 

Angie Mercurio

Director of Marketing & Design

Annie brings her expertise in design and passion for social impact to the nLab team. She was intimidated coming onboard because, well, she didn’t know anything about electronics! This all changed when she sat down with the nLab for the first time, and in less than 15 minutes, she had built her first circuit, and fully understood the basics of electronics! Now she wants to create more WOW moments like this for nLab users. 

Annie Pyle